Children in school

Children in the orphanage

Children sponsored by Namaskaram
What we do

Developing children’s potential through education
Namaskaram offers support to Dalit children in India to develop their potential and give them access to quality education.

We work with a partner association in India and another one in Switzerland to identify needs and we implement projects with an holistic approach.

Creating the future for tomorrow
Namaskaram is committed to help Dalit children giving them the skills to change their lives. We believe that education is the key for breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a better future for children.
How we do it
Namaskaram is fundraising from public and private donors to sponsor dalit children. We support our partner association in India Lightkids.org to sponsor the children as well as we carry out various projects every year in order to develop their education. Our goal is to create a community where every child has access to a quality education and the opportunity to succeed in life.